This is what a young girl said publicly at youth camp. She struggled accepting God’s love. Because of legalism and spiritual abuse in her life, she thought that she could never please God. She thought it would be easier to kill herself than to keep trying to please God. But that night at youth camp, she received God’s love and said she experienced something that she never had experienced before. That night, many youth came forward and confessed what the Lord is doing in their life and how He set them free from sin and guilt. Many decisions to receive Christ and get baptized happened at youth camp.
I want to thank all of you that have been praying for our youth ministry and for your donations.
One of the largest evangelistic events happened in downtown Craiova last month. The Gospel was shared both nights at the Family Festival event. Also, this group from the US went to different neighborhoods during the week to share the Gospel. We had a follow-up event with those that wanted to learn more about our church and what we offer to the community.
Every Saturday we have new youth coming to our weekly youth event. A short term team from Adventures in Missions helped us to put on an America’s Got Talent event and we were able to build relationships with the new youth who have started coming. We have been having follow-up one-on-ones with those that have just started coming to our youth events and are interested in learning more. With this team, we were able to put on an’ Eyeglass Ministry’ in Bals. We also had a team from the UK come and help us with our youth night and we had a pizza party for everyone that night. They also helped with our church service on Sunday.
We are so thankful that short term teams are coming to work alongside us to help bring new people to our events and discipleship groups.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for the new people who want to get baptized. Pray that they will stay strong in their faith when it is tested.
- We praise God for the new people that have started donating $25 a month. We still need about 20 people to donate $25 monthly to my ministry fund.
- We would like to have one short term team coming to work alongside us per month.
- E2E, our missionary training program, is starting in September. Please pray for each of the students that will be attending.
- I am going to take a vision trip to Thessaloniki, Greece in September. Please pray for safety and guidance as we are seeking God’s will.