13 September
We bless you in the Name of the Lord Jesus and may He pour abundant blessings over your life and family. I bring before you a reason for prayer and I appreciate every prayer raised.
 About a year ago, my heart started to be stirred and I understood from the Lord that we should start the work with the young people and children, from Comani. In the past, Veronica, my wife, worked with children but because of the pandemic the meetings stopped. She began focusing more on women’s ministry, where she is still involved today.Yes, people started coming to the church as I mentioned on other occasions. We can see God working! But despite all this I did not have peace because I kept having the thought that we needed to be investing in youth and children.That’s why we decided that from this autumn we will start “to fight” in this direction.
 I bought a ping pong table and I intend to invite young people to socialize, first of all, considering that we live in the era of technology in which most of the time of young people’s lives is spent in front of the screens: be it a phone, be it a laptop, be it a tablet, etc. I am also working on the preparation of a mini soccer field and a basketball court.
Pray that the Lord will give me wisdom in this work but also to help me to develop a strategy for their integration in the church in Comani.
We need support in prayer, short-term or long-term teams to help us, but also financial support to be able to purchase sports equipment.
Thank you for being with the Work of God in Comani and may He reward you, fully!