Praise God for all the amazing people that welcomed Iosif and I to the USA in August & September. It had been three years since I visited and your warm welcome was more encouraging than you can imagine. I was so blessed to introduce you to my amazing husband and give you an update on our Lordâs Work in Romania and the Ukraine.
My first stop was Iola, Texas, where I spoke to Iola Missionary Baptist Church. This wonderful Body of Christ has supported me for many years and it was such an incredible experience to share with them for an entire service.
Next, I spoke at Stonewater Fellowship Church during their Sunday morning service. I also met with numerous church groups, childrenâs groups and individual partners during my time in Texas.
My next stop was Missouri where I met with the pastor and missionâs committee from Lakeland Community Church. I was blessed to stay with a new supporting family, also meeting with their relatives who committed to partnership with our Lordâs ministry in Romania and the Ukraine. It was very encouraging to see people desire to become involved with our Lordâs Work.
Finally, we traveled to Pennsylvania where I was met with several different church groups, was the principle speaker at Beaverdam Mennonite Church and was the guest of honor at a BBQ where I was able to meet with numerous potential supporters.
I pray that everyone knows how much their love, support and prayers mean to me as I do my best to follow our Lordâs leading in Romania and the Ukraine. I am convinced our Lord brought us together for His Purpose and it would be impossible to reach the lost without each of you! Iosif and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your heart for us and our Lordâs Work.