Our Lord blessed me this time with the most wonderful Christmas gift! He showed me that I was exactly where He wanted me!!
We were ministering in the Roma community around the city of Craiova. We gave shoeboxes to the children with gifts of clothing and messages about the Gospel. We always share about our Lord Jesus through songs, games and teaching HIS GOSPEL!!
Please remember, we do not have the resources to minister in all the communities regularly. We do several programs in the summer and one around Christmas in the various communities. As we arrived in one remote area, a young boy I had not seen since last summer came up to me and started singing, “MY GOD IS SO BIG”! Can you imagine how my heart was moved? I cannot find the correct words to tell you my feelings at that moment!
GOD showed me that HE was with that young boy and that our meeting last summer was not an accident or coincidence. It was God’s plan, because His Love brought us together to demonstrate that HE is constantly bringing all that know Him closer and closer in relationship for His glory. Praise God, I am exactly where HE wants me! Please prayerfully consider joining our mighty GOD, bringing more children to know him through His Children’s Ministry in Romania…
Merry Christmas,
Veronica Palcau