For two years we fought an invisible enemy that took lives, intimidated governments and entire countries, brought economies to their knees, and most sadly, blocked much of the world’s missions. That small, invisible virus didn’t bring an honest war with us humans. When COVID-19 was defeated and we thought we were done with this war and that we could focus on the mission again, another war suddenly began on our border. This time, visible, but also with a dishonest enemy who inspires fear, terror, and brings death. What will happen now? Will we close the church doors again? Will we reduce world missions again? Will we stop donating to missions again? Will fear take control of our decisions again? I pray and hope not, because Jesus warned us about the course of history.
“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” (Matthew 24:6)
But in the context in which Jesus makes this mention, he states that the end is conditioned by the preaching of the gospel to all the world (the second coming of Christ, which every Christian desires).
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)
So our focus will be on preaching the gospel and making disciples. Even if the implications of the current war will redefine the forms of evangelism and discipleship, we will continue to present Jesus.
Please pray:
- For us to know how to manage our involvement with the refugees coming from Ukraine. We were asked to be open to receiving refugee families with all that involves: accommodation, food and social assistance. Pray for discernment and wisdom on how to proceed with this.
- Despite the tensions and news, for us to know how to continue evangelism among Romanians in Oltenia.
- For us to have wisdom on how to present the message of the gospel that can offer supernatural peace to people who are as frightened and troubled as Europeans are at the moment.
- Pray for our partners to continue praying for us, continue short term mission trips, and financial support.