The Word of God says: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” – Proverbs 17:17 NIV. This is what we tried to accomplish in this time of pandemic in which the authorities banned church meetings.
Someone said, “Helping a person does not change the world, but you can certainly change that person’s world. “Many times we want to do great, extraordinary things and we have the impression that God is satisfied with our works, but He wants that, through everything we do, people to see His love and kindness and to be changed. I saw the need of people to be accepted, understood, loved, listened to, helped when they are in difficulty, etc.
During all this time of pandemic, we made an online announcement through which we shared to all those in Comani, who are in financial difficulty, our willingness to help with anything (services, food, medicine, etc.). We were able to help with food and supplies, thanks to those of you who’ve been part of the ministry in Comani, supporting us, guided by the Holy Spirit. We thank God for you and we pray that He will repay you!
At first, people were reluctant to ask for help, but slowly there were people who dared and we rejoiced. Even people we would not have even thought of, they told us that they needed help, and we rejoiced. This way, we’ve been helpful. Glory to the Lord.
After we came out of the state of emergency, “Live Global” Organization blessed us with resources to buy food, so we visited people looking to encourage them to seek God and we offered them food packages that they enjoyed very much. Thank you and we pray that He will repay you! There are people who live from day to day, working for other people when they need help, one of them confesses to us how hard it is this time, because people no longer call him to work because they don’t have money.
We went on street evangelism, we handed out leaflets and where the Lord opened a door for us to present the Gospel, we talked to people. Some people are open to listening, some are skeptical, some are in a hurry, but we trust the Word of God which says that the sown seed will sprout.
There are still safety measures that the authorities have given, and that restrain our activity in the community, but as much as we can, we seek to carry the hope of Christ by any means.
Thank you for your support in prayer and more. May the Lord be with you, and repay you.
Prayer Requests:
- Wisdom in everything we do in this time of pandemic
- Protection over my family
- For the people begin to seek the Lord
- The power and plans of the evil one to be thwarted in the Name of Jesus.
- Completion of the thermal insulation at the Church
Alexe Costea