The summer period, being a more full period, usually the Bible study groups end untill autumn. With the beginning of the school year, which is in September, we also resumed the study group, every Friday evening, but at the same time we resumed and the study group with men and, my wife, the study group with women, Pray that the Lord will work in their hearts and make the decision to follow Him in an authentic way because many of them say they are with the Lord but their lives do not show this.
When it comes to everything that means blessing, everything is born in God’s heart. Because everything that is good and perfect comes from Him and his goodness is poured over us daily.
In one of my day off, when I went fishing, this being the place where my mind is emptied of all the daily problems,I had an idea about organizing a retreat for the missionary team I work with. After some time, when I went out fishing again, on my way to the fishing pond my heart was boiling and kneaded about how to put this thought into practice. But due to the pressure I felt in my heart, which I could no longer face, while I should have entered a store with my wife, I stayed outside where I called a partner who , in time, changed from a simple work partener to a friend and an older brother, for me. I shared my thoughts with him and he didn’t gave me an answer in that moment but he said that he was praying to see if God wants him to get involved. A week later, he told me that he was joining this project and together we started organizing since August for an event that would take place in October. It required many hours of talking on the phone, trips to the hotel and a lot of stress for everything to be right, considering that it was about 60 people who needed to be accommodated,the missionaries and their families.
Continue to pray for us, we appreciate and are grateful for your support!
Be blessed!