How hard it is when the devil lies to you, so beautiful, that you are good with God and you believe him. I have met so many people, who think they are free, they are good with GOD but they have no idea about His Word. The lack of knowledge of the Scriptures makes people a sure target for the evil one. He knows that by keeping them away from the Word, he gains ground in their lives every day and by seeing this, I decided to go to their home, to read The Bible together and, being in a narrower context, also gave them the courage to ask questions.
Together with a team from Texas, we had a period of one week in which we managed to serve the people of Comani through various activities.
We celebrated Mother’s Day, where we invited women, mostly non-Christians, and through songs, testimonies and biblical teaching they could hear about the Word of God. We made visits, during which we could pray much more specifically for them, we could listen to their worries but also the questions about spiritual things that, in a wider framework, they do not have the courage to ask. We had a medical event ( where we took the blood pressure and blood sugar and offered reading glasses) and again it was a wonderful occasion where we could pray for people. We are focused on helping people in the knowledge of the Scriptures and we pray that God will set free more people in Comani. We had a blessed time for which we are grateful to God!
On the social side, we are grateful to God for the partnership we have with the Food Bank, through which widows and families with lower incomes can be helped with food. We had a testimony from a widow, who was in great need. This woman used to go to another neighbor’s house where they drink coffee and often even eat together. On that day, neither of them had any bread or money for it and it was a Friday, when we had Bible study, with the church, and at the end, before people went home because we had brought products from the Food Bank, including bread, we gave everyone what we had received. After that, this woman came to me and full of joy said : “Let me tell you how God cares, not only did he gave me bread, he gave me 2, plus other things.” How good God is to us!
Praise be to God who takes care!
We are also happy for the young people, who are starting to come more and more to youth groups. May the Lord work on their hearts! We are in the process of building relationships and we pray that the Lord will give us wisdom to move from relationship to spiritual discussions with them .At the first organized meeting,only a young woman came and Priscilla was so disappointed, but God asks us to be faithful in small things if we want to be entrusted with bigger things. At the last meeting we had, there were 17 young people. Praise the God who is good! Priscila and Miriam, our girls, are involved in organizing the meetings and may the Lord give them wisdom in everything!
We appreciate every prayer, rejoice and thank you for all your support.
We bless you in the Name of the Lord Jesus and may He help you to be the light where you are, every day of your life!