Peace to you, our dear brothers and sisters!
In Psalm 118:19 say, “I shall not die, but I shall live and recount the deeds of the Lord”. In everything we do, it’s about what He is doing here in the community where He has placed us.
We had a full summer, during which we were involved in various activities for the glory of God. With His help, we managed to buy the property next to the church building, where we had to dedicate quite a bit of time to cleaning, fixing the fences, and leveling the ground, as the property had been uninhabited for many years and thus had not been properly maintained. A good part of this property’s land will belong to the church, where we will build a soccer field and a basketball court for the ministry with the youth and children from Comani.
We finished, together with the church, in our church meetings, the book of John, from which I intended through my sermons to make the Lord Jesus more known. I sought to show who Jesus is and what He wants from us. I believe that biblical teaching and the knowledge of Scripture are essential for a person to come to the conviction that they need Jesus more than anything and that He is the solution for their sins.
This year, we couldnât afford a camp for the youth, but with the Lord’s help and through our contact at Live Global, Ed, we took a one-day trip with 20 young people to the Transalpina mountains, where we had a picnic together and presented the need for Christ through an interactive message from brother pastor Raul Costea, ending the day at Aqua Park, CÄciulata.
At the beginning of September, with the start of the school year, we blessed the children and youth with backpacks. We managed to give out 40 backpacks with the help of brother Marian Stoica, while the necessary school supplies came from the organization Completing the Task.
We thank everyone who contributed financially to make these things possible, those who promoted us, and of course, those who supported us in prayer.