We bless you in the Name of Jesus, all of you who are involved in one way or another in the ministry in Comani. We know that anything you do is for the Lord, and because of that, your reward will be an everlasting reward, which you will receive from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
From the beginning of the pandemic I had a unrest that kept pressing on my heart. Because I am not the man to work efficiently in Media or Online, and given that spiritual activity was more restricted, I no longer saw myself as useful in the ministry. I didn’t see that just serving people in their daily needs is enough at the moment, but, at the beginning of the month, God in His goodness revealed to me how valuable it is to be served when you need it. We had a few days off, at the beginning of the month, and after we returned home, we decided to go into self-isolation, as a preventive measure. All this time, a boy from the church was available to serve us, with everything we needed. That’s when I realized how important it is to be there for someone in need, to be available at any time. God is good, Glory be to His Name.
When we moved to Comani, we saw a family who lived near us, whose situation was not very good, but after a while, we didn’t see them as often. During the pandemic we were contacted by one of their daughters, she asked us for help, for her and her mother. Her husband became very aggressive because of alcohol and she came to the conclusion that they could no longer live together, so she left him. Through someone else they found a house, where they live for now. The house has no electricity, no gas, no condition to be able to survive in there. Finding out about their situation, we wanted to come to their help with all that God has made available to us. My wife and I went to get them food several times. The first time we stayed at the fence, but the next time we were happy to enter and see where they live. All they had inside was a bed that looked very damaged, with protruding arches and a uneven surface. In a corner, on a small table, there was a glass with a candle, which they lit only when they went to bed in the evening. At that moment God put it on our hearts to bring them beds, so that each one could sleep separately. I can’t write down the joy that could be seen on their faces when we give them beds. They couldn’t believe it, they were overwhelmed by emotions, they didn’t know what to do, to laugh, to cry or to help me get the beds out of the car. In situations like this, they are not the only blessed people, but so are we, those whom God uses to show His goodness to those who do not know Him.
That joy fulfilled my heart and made me shout in my heart: “Blessed are you Lord for the ways you work.” We continue to get involved in their lives and we want the Lord to work in their hearts and break those bonds in their lives that keep them away from Him. We appreciate and thank those who will pray for them.
Nadia is a mother who raises her 3 children on her own. Her situation is also a difficult one, with no support. The other day, together with my wife we went to visit another family and while we were returning we drove past her. She was sitting on a bench and seemed very musingly, but somehow she waved her hand to us. After we passed it I continued to drive but at one point, the Holly Spirit of God told me to return the car to go to Nadia. At that moment I turned the car around and my wife looked at me and asked me what I was doing. I told her that the Holly Spirit of God was telling me that we should go visit Nadia. It was very interesting that my wife had the same thought in her mind, but she didn’t say anything. It is wonderful how God works. Pray for her to know the Lord and to find her fulfillment in Him.
We thank Live Global for their involvement, because they are part of the ministry in Comani. Thank you to all of you who have been guided by God and have decided to be a part of this ministry, either by prayers, or by promoting this ministry, or by financial support. May the Lord bless you and reward you!
Prayer Requests:
- May the Lord open doors for us to proclaim the gospel in every possible way.
- Divine protection over our family.
- Wisdom, discernment and skills in the ministry.
- The beginning of the new school year comes with great challenges for children, therefore, may the Lord give them wisdom and the ability to adapt to this situations.
Alexe Costea