We ended the year 2023 rejoicing in service, on the mission field. We bless the Lord for the wonderful work done in Miriam, our eldest daughter, who had given her life to the Lord but had not made the decision to show, publicly, through baptism, her decision.
Following a participation in a Christian camp, the Lord worked in her life and that’s how we ended up having an event at the end of November attended by many non-believers , a wonderful opportunity for evangelization.
Another work that we believe we are called to do, and which we have done in the past, is the evangelization of children, as a result every Saturday we meet and present the Bible through different activities.Pray for them!
The month of December was a month full of blessings. We had the opportunity to take the Good News to people’s homes through carols and visits.
Children were also blessed by the fact that we managed to get gifts and almost 60 children were happy to receive one.
The work in Comani is blessed, people come to church and to the Bible study that we have every Friday where we go through the Gospel of John following the footsteps of Jesus and seek to discover Him more and more. Together with the women, my wife, studied the 10 commandments. We were pleasantly surprised to have the testimonies of some women who, at the end of the study, memorized them even though at the beginning of the study they had no idea what they were.Also, men discover wonderful things about God after the study that they do.
Thank you for your support in prayer! Pray for us that the Lord will give us wisdom in everything, use us for His Glory and protect us from the evil one who surrounds us like a lion ready to catch us. Pray also for the people of Comani, especially for those with whom I worked directly, to desire His Word and make a decision to follow Him.
Be blessed!