
Digital Ministry


We continue offering the hope of Christ in peoples homes and hearts, and now by using the digital world and technology. Today many people are on their phones and on social media. We believe now is the time to develop this opportunity for ministry in our region. We want to impact people locally, regionally and internationally.
The situation with COVID-19 is keeping people in their homes more, and they have more time to be on the Internet.  We want to be relevant in this season and respond to this situation in hope and love.

We want to reach the 300,000 people in Craiova, as well as the few million people in the southern part of Romania and many more in the Balkan countries. We realize that the time to start this kind of ministry is now and we thank God for all the people he has brought to make these videos, edit them, post them, share them, etc.
Please continue to pray for our ministry. We are seeing the impact that digital ministry has had on people.

What categories of videos will we make?


  1. Devotionals: This will come in the form of someone reading a devotional from a book or someone sending in a 3-5 minute video devotional about how the Lord has encouraged them lately. We also have a series that is specifically for women that we share almost daily. 
  2. Testimonies: These are 3-5 minute videos we’ve asked people to make to share a part of their testimony or a testimony of how the Lord is helping them during this time. Here, we also include thank you videos to doctors and the medical staff in Romania that we have received. 
  3. Children’s videos: These include videos with songs, Bible verses and stories, and puppet shows. We also have videos where someone is reading different children’s stories/lessons or out of a children’s Bible. 
  4. Interviews: We have been doing interviews with many people in what is considered the “RED zone.” This means that they are in a location with a lot of cases of the coronavirus. People are sharing their experiences and how God has helped them overcome COVID-19. We are also doing interviews with different women as they share their life experiences to encourage other women that they are not alone. 
  5. Biblical: We are sharing a Bible verse per day and are encouraging people to memorize that verse and meditate on it. We also have a series of interviews with the goal to explain a Biblical term. We want people to read the Bible and also to understand it and we are doing what we can to help with that. Every week on Sunday, since we are not able to meet physically, we transmit our Sunday service Live so that we can still stay connected to our community. 

As of now Hope Church Craiova has been able to fulfill this vision by borrowing or renting a video camera.

We have seen the impact of COVID-19 which has caused people to stay at home and access the Internet more and more. We live in a digital and visual world and we realize it is time to develop this ministry in Craiova, the Southern part of Romania and the Balkan countries. 

Ways we will use the video camera:

  • Church Services & Worship
  • Children programs (Puppet shows)
  • Devotionals & Testimonies
  • Christian Interviews
If you want to be part of this vision we invite you to donate or share this
project with your friends to help us fulfill our vision:
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