Missionary Project

Hope for Ukraine

Currently, Hope Church is involved with the Ukrainian crisis in three different ways:

1. Organizing convoys once a week with food supplies, hygiene supplies, clothing, etc., into Ukraine for the Odessa region.
2. Hosting long term refugees in Craiova and covering lodging, food, medical assistance, and immigration documents.
3. We provide transportation, housing, and food for refugees that are in transit throughout west Europe.
We have three types of people involved with this ministry: Missionaries, local volunteers, and American volunteers.
Since the beginning we have been able to help 650 refugees to get to a safe place in Europe.
We are renting 8 houses  for those who are staying here long term under our care.
We have 50 refugees who are long term here. Most of them are single moms with children.
Every week we send 3-7 vans for Ukraine.

Here are a few ways you can get involved:

1. Pray daily for our safety and provision
2. Sponsor a house for long term refugees
3. Commit to giving monthly for 3-6 months
4. Volunteer with Hope Church (email us at  our contact page  for more information.)
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