In this way I want to thank God for all of you who take part with us in the work of proclaiming the gospel.
This year I wanted to take my vacation on the construction site, to go and preach the Gospel to these people where no one reaches with the Gospel, to have a penny for the work I do for 10 hours/day and in this way to be able to cover and part of the expenses for the girls’ school. The plan worked very well, I found souls eager to hear the word of God, to know another way of life apart from the one with scandal, alcohol, tobacco! I am also happy that some of them said that they will go to the Church with me.
Of course, there were also trials in my life, our car which I do ministry with broke down, the gearbox and several components from the braking system failed, this year the steering system has done thousands of km in the ministry, to help refugees from Ukraine.
Be blessed in all your work, amen.