Missionary Projects

A Pen in a Child's Hand

“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.” – Proverbs 3:13-14

For many of us, including students, we live in difficult times. Online school can be too much for some, and this is the case of Ema. I found out about Ema’s school situation, because of God’s goodness. He created the context for me to find out, and thus begin this After School program.

Ema is one of many students, who does not have access to online schooling, due to lack of both materials, as well as the lack of her mother’s education.

Through this program we aim (myself, Mihaela Serbanescu and Cristina, a girl that we are investing in) to help as many students, as possible during this difficult period. We currently work with four students, meeting twice a week, in which during that time we help them with homework, as well as with the information, they do not have due to the inability to enter classes. We also preach the Gospel to them in this way.

We need help, both physically (brothers and sisters to pray for us, and to come and teach), but also financially. The budget of this project is 200 lei / month or $50/month. This sum includes the costs for materials, utilities, etc.


Prayer Requests:

  • Physical and spiritual protection
  • Wisdom and skill to know how to teach the students in a way that they will understand
  • Financial resources.

Thank you very much for taking part with me in the work of the Lord! May God reward you and bless you!

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