On the day that I preached about Mary saying to the Lord “Hineni” (הנני) I also said that to the Lord. ‘Hineni’ means,”Here am I Lord.” How could I preach something that I didn’t believe myself? So I renewed my dedication to the Lord, like I had done at the beginning of my walk with God. I once again said ‘Hineni.’ What came a few days after was the hardest trial of my life. From a human perspective, I was taken advantage of and deceived. What resulted was a huge emotional and financial crisis. But from God’s perspective, He was crushing me and brought me to the point where the Scripture says, “If someone doesn’t lose everything, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:33) I understood and not only did I understand, but I also felt what it means to lose everything; the ministry, relationships, your physical life, etc. to where all that is left is your intimacy with Jesus. I have preached about this before, but I didn’t feel it profoundly or live it deeply. During this spiritual attack, I felt what it’s like to lose everything. But after this crisis, I saw God working in me and taking care of me. It was incredible! I’ve never seen it like this in my 25 years of full-time ministry. My joy in the Lord is much more profound. I am depending on God daily for my provision for lack of resources as before. But even though my financial situation has changed, He has not allowed me to change my values, but instead to continue to glorify Him in simplicity.
Even with all that was happening, I want to praise God for all that He has done this past month.
On December 1, our national day, we had an event with about 130 youth from different locations. It was a time of worship, testimony and a short message.
During the month of December, we had over 10 events where we gave away hundreds of Christmas shoe boxes. We were also able to sing carols and share the Gospel to: some Roma communities, a soccer club in Craiova, and a few groups of youth and kids.
Please pray for our growing church plant. We are seeing people surrendering to God and wanting to get baptized. Please pray for God’s protection for each of our church attenders, church members and our church-planting team.