When you read the newsletter or update of a missionary, you expect to read information about the mission field; about events, people changed by God, or other activities where God’s work is shown or revealed. This is not one of those updates. This time, I won’t talk so much about my activity but about the importance that you have in the ministry here. God brought to my attention how valuable partners are.
When daily I would receive an encouraging message, especially when I was emotionally or physically exhausted, I was spiritually encouraged by your words. When our ministry with youth, who come from unbelieving families and from schools where God is not allowed, were under a massive spiritual attack, I saw a mobilization to prayer that impressed me to tears. When a young girl who started coming to our church went through a life crisis, almost dying, I saw a mobilization of prayer by P-Squad and J-Squad, who were and are with us. When 18 year old young people raise money to help a soccer club in Craiova, how could I not see God in this? A God who brings people next to you, people who love God and His mission. That’s why this newsletter is to thank you with all of my heart that you are alongside me in prayer, encouragement and financial support. Thank you for speaking to your church, family, friends and acquaintances about us and you for your desire to come to Romania.
Please please please continue to partner with me this year, 2023, to see souls saved, youth won for God, the Gospel reach many people in the Southern region of Romania and the Balkan countries, and most of all, to see our God glorified! Thank you!
Thank you, Raul & Hope Church, for the continued faithful obedience to the Kingdom of God. The LORD God has made you and will carry you; He will bear you and rescue you (Isaiah 46:4)