in Craiova
1. By the end of the year, we would like to have 8 discipleship groups.
2. We would like to have a solid children’s ministry, having at least 20 children regularly attending our discipleship program.
3. We would also like to have a solid youth group, with at least 20 youth coming to the discipleship program.

4. We would like to start 3-5 community churches in a few different districts in Craiova. There are 17 different districts (neighborhoods) in Craiova. At the moment, Hope Church is a hub for all of these districts, but in the future, we would like to see a community church in each district.
5. We would like to have 6 language clubs, by the end of the year. At the moment, we have 3 English clubs – one for children, one for youth and one for adults. We would like to multiply these, and even potentially start a Spanish club.
6. Please pray for me to be able to preach from the Gospel of John in wisdom and through the power of the Holy Spirit, so that non-believers will believe in Jesus, as the Son of God.

E2E – A 6-month program designed to help European men and women grow in Biblical knowledge about missions and find out whether God is calling them into the mission field full-time or not.Â
1. We would like to finish the 4th generation of E2E by March 30th. In this generation, we have Roma participants.
I would like to see these participants involved in church planting in Roma communities.
2. We would like to start the 5th generation by September. The goal for the 5th generation is for new potential recruits to be added into church planting teams in our ministry.
All of the recruiting needs to be done by the end of June. By this time, I need to meet the students, finish their interviews and find mentors for each student.
Mission in the
1. For each church planter to have a team and not be alone. Most church planters within our ministry are working by themselves and do not have a team to work alongside them.
2. To have a retreat with our existing missionaries. We want to have a time together of fellowship and build the existing relationships.
3. Assist missionaries with short term teams. With the teams that are coming from other countries, we will assist the missionaries here.
4. Support for missionaries. Because of the pandemic and many other reasons, some of our missionaries are under budget. I would like to see them at least above 50%, if not fully supported.
5. Digital Ministry. During the pandemic, we realized that many people are online. The Biblical concept is “go to wherever the people are.” In the 1st century, if missionaries were not in person, they would send epistles. Even at that time, social distancing generated what we can find today in the New Testament. In 2020, social distancing, due to the pandemic, generated our digital ministry, where we take the Gospel into people’s homes. There are at least 6 posts a day, which include Bible teaching, testimonies and encouraging words.
Balkans Project
5 trips to the Balkans in 2021. We go to communities in the Balkans that speak Romanian and share the Gospel with them. For more information, please click on this link:
Due to the global pandemic, We need to find 60-70 more supporters to financially support our ministry and missionaries with $25/month.
Partner with us in prayer
*If you are interested in praying for these goals daily or weekly, please add your name to this spreadsheet. I am looking for 100 prayer partners for our ministry.* –Â CLICK HERE