The Battle at Rovine was one of the most important battles in the history of the country of Romania and took place on May 17, 1395.
It was a battle between two strong people groups, but the Battle at Rovine continues today. Today, it is no longer a physical battle, but that of a spiritual one, a battle for the souls of those who are lost. These people can still be found by Jesus through hearing the Gospel. A spreader of the Gospel in this neighborhood that God uses, in order to save souls from eternal loss is me and you can also be one if you would like!
If you desire to come alongside this spiritual battle in the fight for recovering souls from eternal loss, you can do this through:
- Prayer: you can pray 5 minutes a day for me and the people from Rovine
- Advocacy: You can share this post with others
- Teams: People who have on their heart sharing the Gospel and who want to come to work alongside of me in sharing the Gospel to the people in Rovine
- Financially: Support this ministry with $25/month
- Mentorship
For more information, you can find more information here: