Missionary Project

A new testament for every home

There are approximately 700,000 in Oltenia Region who do not have Bibles. God has placed the desire in our hearts to provide each household with a copy of the New Testament. This ministry goes out into the surrounding villages and hands out copies of the New Testament with Hope Church’s address and phone number. We trust that the Holy Spirit changes hearts and brings revival through this ministry

How can I get involved?

  • Pray that the Lord will open the hearts of the villagers to hear what we have to say and accept a copy of the New Testament.
  • Pray that the government will not disrupt our efforts to spread the gospel in this format.
  • Consider bringing a short term mission trip team here to enable us to expand our coverage, allowing more people to hear the Good News.
  • Financial partner with us to purchase more copies of the New Testament to give away.


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