Easter is a special time for all Christians around the world! We do our best to use this amazing celebration to introduce all children to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yes, we play games, tell stories, put on skits and give out gifts; however, everything we do is centered around the story of Jesus and His resurrection for all people who accept him as their Lord and Savior. Not only do we share the Gospel with the children; it is a wonderful opportunity to share with the childrenâs parents and relatives through these childrenâs events.
We have learned the parents and relatives all attend the skits and listen to the stories that we tell the children. They celebrate with their children when they win a game or get an award or gift. It gives them a good feeling that we really love their children and care about them. We have the opportunity to build a closer relationship, schedule times to meet with them and invite them to more activities. Everything we do, especially at this time of the year is planned to show everyone we meet the Love of Jesus. Please pray for the work with children.
Pray that as many as possible will hear the Gospel. Also, please pray for us as missionaries to gain wisdom, perseverance and dedication in spreading the Gospel of our Lord.
As always, you remain in our prayers as partners in our Lordâs Work! Without you, we would not be able to continue to serve our Lord in such wonderful ways.
Veronica Palcau