After a long period of time in which we couldn’t meet as a church because of the pandemic, this month, we had the joy to start our weekly meetings. Moreover, we had the joy of celebrating the Lord’s Supper with our brothers and sisters. People are still reluctant to participate but we trust God that He will remove the fear from their hearts and slowly, they will join us. We do not put pressure, we let everything go in God’s time.
Sometimes, in terms of ministry, you are like a soldier who is ready for battle, but waiting for the orders. This is what happens in our daily lives, we are ready to serve whenever God creates an opportunity for us. The ministry is spontaneous but also intentional. That is why we have a program through which we visit people, praying with them but also helping them with food. We thank all those involved in this project. God reward you!
Many times when I visit families, I see people who are impressed by the way God cares for them, even though they admit that they are not children of God, and even confess to me their astonishment: “how does God know that we didn’t have anything for food anymore?” or “God sent you right now when I had nothing in the house and no money to buy things..” and then they start to thank me, but I always tell them that it is actually God’s goodness shown to them, and this is where evangelism often begins.
Prayer Requests:
- Let people begin to seek the Face of God
- Let the bonds of the evil one be broken in the hearts of men, and the darkness that holds their minds bound may be removed by the Light given by the Lord, to understand spiritual things.
- Wisdom in knowing how to develop new relationships
- Protection to our family
Thank you and God bless you!
Alexe Costea