The Word of God is the seed that once sown bears fruit. The human heart is the crop that’s worthy of investing time, energy and even money. Nothing compares to the joy when a person you have invested years may surrender to God and live life in obedience to God’s Word.
Veronica Costea: In November I had the joy of a blessed time with sister Gabi Stef and sister Judy organizing a small meeting. We invited a few women in our community hoping to see them surrender to God, who gave His life for their sins. We studied a Bible text and explored the text asking questions for understanding. They were encouraged that anyone can do this at home, too.
Alexe Costea: It’s important for us to study the Bible. That is why we meet weekly with a small group in order to look more closely at the message preached on Sunday.
Marian and Carmen Popa are a family in which we have intentionally developed relationships. When I first met Marian he rejected any discussion about God and spoke strictly about beekeeping. I told Veronica back then that as I tell him more about beekeeping he will believe what I tell him about God. After almost three years I was pleasantly surprised he started talking about other things. He had questions about God, too. Lately he isn’t calling me Mr. Alexe, but brother Alexe. That is the way I always address him. Pray that the Holy Spirit may bring to fruit the of salvation of his soul.
The Vesela and Fesana family have been financially blessed this month, too. Through all our activities we want to be light and an indicator pointing to Him, the One to whom every knee should bow.
We are thankful for you who pray for us, send a message of encouragement, and are financially involved. May God bless and reward you!
Prayer Requests:
- Marian and Carmen’s salvation
- Vesela and Fesana family’s salvation
- Salvation of women in our outreach efforts
- Funds to purchase a mini-bus for use in the ministry
- For funds and work to finish the construction of the church building
Alexe Costea