An end of year filled with grace and gratitude!
As you know, holiday season is always a time full of joy but also of weariness. Joyful, because we have the opportunity to serve..
As you know, holiday season is always a time full of joy but also of weariness. Joyful, because we have the opportunity to serve..
This year, we aim to bring smiles to the faces of 100 children through the *Shoes Box Ministry* project! Considering the…
At the beginning of October, we were graced to host a team of women from South Church in Michigan, who came for the…
In Psalm 118:19 say, “I shall not die, but I shall live and recount the deeds of the Lord”. In everything we do, it’s about what He is..
How hard it is when the devil lies to you, so beautiful, that you are good with God and you believe him. I have met so many…
We ended the year 2023 rejoicing in service, on the mission field. We bless the Lord for the wonderful work done in Miriam..
The summer period, being a more full period, usually the Bible study groups end untill autumn. With the beginning of the school…
About a year ago, my heart started to be stirred and I understood from the Lord that we should start the work with the young people…
We bless you in the Name of the Lord Jesus and may each of you be a testimony to the people who are around you. We build our personal…
Someone said: ,,a news should be real, beautiful and necessary, if the news has not traveled this road, it does not deserve attention”..