Discussions with people in the city
On Thursdays, believers in the Hope Church are invited to take part in evangelism in the town(Draganesti-Olt). We make teams and go to certain areas.My companion and I introduced from the Gospel some people who went out to the door of their house and a group of people who were at a spring.
I also spoke to a young man who was dissapointed by some religious leaders from another part of a country.I told him that this should not stop him from seeking God.I told him briefly what God wants with his life.
I met an adult in the downtown park who went through a period of depression.He said he had faith and prayed for the icons he had and bought them.I explained the difference between the Savior who is alive and icons that are a piece of wood.I spoke to him about repentance,about aknnowledging and renouncing sins.I pray that God will work in the lives of these people.