December here is known as the month of gifts. During this month, together with other brothers and sisters in Christ, we helped poor people and families in town, by offering them gifts of food and clothing. Besides these basic material needs, they also received children’s books or New Testaments. We shared the Gospel and we prayed for them.
We also had the opportunity to go caroling to several families. One of those families then came to the church program the next day! One of our neighbors was also very happy that we came to her and caroled. She told us that from the time she moved into the apartment 44 years ago no one has come caroling to her.
In recent months I have presented the evangelistic cube to at least 50 people, including many youth. This cube unfolds and contains images representing the Gospel, such as a man separated from God or the cross of Christ or the empty tomb. I used this tool to enter into spiritual conversations, asking for them example if they have any sins. I did my best to share the Gospel through these discussions.
I met with a young man that I already know who mentioned that he would like to come to the church, and we saw him there one Sunday evening. I talked to him and he shared that he can’t quit smoking. On parting I told him to pray to God to help him.
I talked to a man who worked at a local betting center. I have observed that many young people are attracted to these types of centers and they often gather outside for smoke breaks. As I presented the Gospel to this man, he told me that it is the circumstances of life that push him into sin. Before parting, I shared what the Bible says about sin and how it can be forgiven.
I spoke with a young man who regularly attends our church meetings. We talked about repentance and he acknowledged that sin dominates him. I urged him to take his sin and his life and come to the Lord Jesus who can forgive and set him free.
Together with Pastor George Serban, we are leading Friday evening discipleship meetings. This group is attended by our brothers and sisters in Christ, members of the Hope Church. In recent months we have continued to study the Sermon on the Mount as well as praying for each other.
Please pray for those who attend our weekly church services but still need salvation: Cornel, Iulica, Vali (a young woman who is also ill), Mrs. Micu, Mr. Zidaru, Mrs. Marinela, as well as the children from families of believers.
Thank you for your prayer and support!
Daniel Opris
Assistant Pastor and Missionary
Hope Church Draganesti-Olt