“The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man.” (Matthew 13:37)
I think God wants us to resemble Him in this area as well. He came and sowed the truths of the Kingdom of God. If we, in turn, do this, according to the commandment He left us, we resemble Him. I pray that God will help us not to stop sowing the good seed in this world full of weeds.
The good seed
This year also, with God’s help and with the believers in Icoana, more than 100 packets of seeds were distributed along with the “Good Seed” brochure. It is a good opportunity to be a blessing to those around us at this time of year, but also an opportunity to speak to them about the Kingdom of God.
A rod not a fish
I like this social project the most. I am glad that the good Lord gave us the necessary resources for a solarium. As the name suggests, this project involves providing support to needy families by providing them with a way in which, through their involvement, they can produce more resources for themselves. The materials for such a solarium reach 3000 RON.
Time with children
Having three little children with whom it is necessary to spend time and play, we try to be a blessing in this way also and show the surrounding families and children what a truly Christian family looks like. Not infrequently, children and young people who came to our home, noted how big of a difference there is between our family and theirs. We are not perfect, but we try to show what it means to receive and give grace: asking for forgiveness and forgive, to serve the other and offer love.
The children in the picture come from two different families with whom we have a closer relationship. The two little girls are sisters(Mădălina and Georgiana) and they come from a family where both parents suffer from a slight handicap, and the other three are the children of the widow who benefited of the solar.
Reasons for prayer:
- May God have mercy on the people of Icoana and save them. Only He can do that.
- For Angelica and her children to see the goodness of the Lord and to return to Him wholeheartedly.
- For strength, patience and wisdom in the discipleship with the children of Icoana.