
Raul Costea

Raul Costea


Position: Coordinator of Hope Church
Responsibility: Church Planting & Evangelism
Email: hope4theworld2014@gmail.com
Phone: +40 763 638 106

About Missionary

Raul Costea is coordinating the church plant in Craiova and ministry in Oltenia with Hope Church missionaries

During his studies at the Bethany Bible College in Sibiu, he received guidance from the Holy Spirit to move to the Oltenia region. 

He is married to Ana, who helps him in evangelism. They have two boys and together they have the vision to see the Hope of Christ spread, not only in Oltenia, but also to the Balkan countries.


About Ministry


I want to see a community of believers that spreads the hope of Christ locally, globally and virtually.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” – Acts 1:8


We fulfill spiritual needs through evangelism and discipleship and use different social projects to fulfill physical needs.

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Missionary Projects


You can get involved in Raul’s Ministry in the following ways:

Short-term missions
Join or lead a team to Romania and work alongside us in evangelism, kids ministry, Roma ministry, church-planting and much more.

Prayer Support
Become a prayer partner by praying 5 minutes a day or 5 minutes a week. Join my Facebook group for ways to pray: Together in Mission.

Become a mentor or encourager for me or someone on my team with a once-a-month video call, text message or email.

Financial Support
Become a financial partner by donating $25 a month for my personal needs or for one of my projects.

Become one of my ambassadors by representing my ministry in the US, 2-4 hours a month.

Contact Me

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