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Veronica Crăciun

Veronica Crăciun

Position: Missionary
Responsibility: Kids Ministry
Email: veronica27200@gmail.com
Phone:+40 768 868 264

About Missionary

My name is Veronica Crăciun and I am a missionary with the Hope Church in Romania children’s ministry. I am truly blessed to have been raised in an orphanage from the time of my earliest memories. God used this time in my life to build a foundation of love for His children and see first hand the challenges faced growing up in this lost world. 

When I was eleven (11) years old, a preacher and his family visited the orphanage and took several of us to his home on weekends for food, clothing and to introduce us to the love of Christ.

After several years, he purchased a larger home and many of us moved in with him.

During this time, I grew in the knowledge that I was a sinner and accepted Jesus into my life at the age of sixteen (16). 

Shortly after that time, the preacher and his wife met with us one on one and informed us he had been called by our Lord to move to another community.

After making arrangements for us to live in another home, he admitted to us that he could not guarantee food, shelter or clothing; however, our Lord would provide. I told him I wanted to go with him as part of the family. I did not care about money, food, shelter, clothing; I just wanted to be with his family so I could grow to know more about my awesome God!

As a result of my persistence, I was the only child this preacher took with his family. This preacher and his wife are Raul & Ana Costea!

As a result, I was able to experience God’s provision for all of us. He has never failed me and now I have a ministry that fulfills my every need! Jesus loves the little children and so do I!!

About Ministry

Location: Craiova city, capital of Dolj judet (county), southwestern Romania. Over 300.000 inhabitants, most of them are non-practicing Romanian Ortodox Christians

Vision: My vision is to bring the Gospel of Christ to both Romanians children and the Roma community

Mission: To do God’s willing through reaching out to the children through programs, and fulfilling the spiritual and physical needs of children and their parents in Craiova city.



Missionary Projects

How can you be involved?

People can best support me through coming alongside me in prayer, as well as financial support for the children’s ministry. I also appreciate words of encouragement from other Christians who are praying for me and my ministry.

Contact Me

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