Vili Ristova

Vili Ristova

Vili Ristova

Position: E2E Student
Email: anxe.ristova253@yahoo.com
Phone: +40 729 411 545

About Student

My name is Vili Ristova, and I am from Macedonia. Currently, I am in my final year of studies in Craiova, Romania, training to become a social worker. Studying in a foreign country has significantly contributed to my personal growth, and I am immensely grateful for the role that Hope Church has played in this journey. Arriving here alone, without knowledge of the language, the people, or the country, was a considerable challenge for me. However, having God by my side has been an immense support. The “Equipped to Equip” program I learned about through my involvement in the church is something I believe will greatly help me discover who I am and what I should do for God.

I come from a small city in Macedonia named Gevgelija. I grew up in an Orthodox family that wasn’t particularly religious or traditional. Towards the end of my primary school, I felt the need to move to the capital city to pursue medical studies in high school. More importantly, I wanted to give myself room to grow. Life in Gevgelija felt limiting, and I believed that moving to a larger city and living independently would offer me more opportunities for personal development. Thankfully, my family was very supportive and allowed me to make this move. This decision was driven by a deep desire to understand myself better and to embrace the challenges of adapting to a new city.

Indeed, moving there taught me many valuable life skills, like self-care, problem-solving, choosing trustworthy people, understanding my opportunities, and making decisions for a better life. In my final year of high school, I faced significant pressure. As a more mature individual, I had to decide on my next steps. Choosing a university felt like a serious commitment. Questions about my identity surfaced: Who am I? What should I do in life? What am I created for? What am I best at? Many of these questions seemed unanswerable, which was frightening. I had thought that I needed to have all the answers. This mindset led me to explore various areas to discover my strengths, but it only resulted in burnout. Not finding answers and feeling burnt out was utterly devastating.

Now, I understand that the Lord shows His strength in our weaknesses. He is close to the brokenhearted and those crushed in spirit, and He certainly had a plan for me. The pain and disappointment I experienced were used by God for my good. I would never have slowed down or eased my self-imposed pressure of needing to “know it all” if it weren’t for that burnout. In my lowest moments, I found God. During times of mental and emotional turmoil, when I thought I would never be okay again, I began to prioritize my well-being over my ideals or success. I just wanted to feel okay. God sent someone into my life who introduced me to Christ’s love for me, to the One who knows everything about my life, who is in control, not me. The One who died for me and offers direction towards something more important than this temporary life – eternity. After that conversation, I felt a weight on my heart. I knew I had to act on the news I had received. I had a responsibility to make a decision. So, I knelt and asked God for help. I knew I didn’t want to, nor did I have to, do it alone. I invited Him as my Savior into my life.

From that time, my journey with the Lord has been a process with its ups and downs. But today, Jesus is my greatest inspiration! Having experienced His love, I now want to share it with others. I want to tell them that there is hope for those who are lost, that they don’t need to have all the answers because it’s not up to us to know the future or what tomorrow brings. My number one priority is to serve Him and follow His will. His love and care can truly transform our lives!


Missions Activities:
  • Encouraging believers in Hope Church.
  • Discipleship with students from Macedonia.
  • Assisting Roma children with literacy and knowledge of God.
  • Evangelism within my student community in Craiova.


Prayer Requests:
  • Wisdom and guidance from God on what to do next after completing this chapter in Craiova.
  • Strength, patience, and creativity in serving those in need and the believers in Hope Church.
  • Open hearts and spiritual growth in those I am currently discipling.


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