I pray that this update finds you rejoicing in the presence of our God! I pray that He will show you that all of your prayers and provision allow me to serve His children. I am convinced that many of you are praying regularly for this ministry. There is no other explanation because every day I experience the joy and blessing of serving our Godâs children.
We have used our English club for God to show us those that would like to learn more about the Gospel. Those that demonstrate a love for God and His Word will be joining our new Bible Club! Yes, our Lord has shown us those He has selected and we are excited to bring a new group of potential disciples into His Kingdom. The Bible Club will meet right after the English Club and we need your prayers to implement this new program effectively. We know that we need to run a creative class with new materials and lessons that will teach our new students about the wonders of our God and His Word.
We fully enjoy this beautiful weather that God has blessed us with, and now we can carry out our activities with children. Every week we have activities with Roma children. Now that we have a location for our activities, we can be inside during any bad weather and outside in an enclosed yard during the good weather. We praise God that He led this family to donate their home for His ministry! The children truly enjoy this wonderful gift from God because no one interferes with our ministry time and the cars and horse-drawn carts no longer pass by. Praise God!
God has truly blessed me with His mission to serve His children. He has also blessed me with each of you. All Praise and Honor be to God!!
Veronica Palcau