Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these!
Everywhere I turn, I see Godâs hands moving the hearts of His Children! In the English Club, it is amazing to see the children learning more and more about Jesus while they are learning English. They are very good students and even do some work at home to prepare for the classes. Please pray our Lord will guide the hearts and grow the seeds that have been planted during these classes. His Children are our future and I believe our future is very bright!!
Our Guitar Ministry lessons are coming to an end with this class. They have learned the basics and I am very encouraged that several show great promise to continue these classes in the future. We will have a graduation ceremony next month and begin a new class the following month. Please pray that our Lord will continue to bring us those He has chosen to bring into His Kingdom! I especially would ask for you to pray for one young girl. She has attended every class for English and for the Guitar lessons! She is very bright and participates in every class. I feel led to work more with her in the future as our Lord leads me. Pray that my work with her brings her closer to a relationship with Jesus and that she will grow in the knowledge of our Lord.
As always, you are in my prayers of thanksgiving for your partnership, prayers and provision! I am so blessed our Lord has called you to Southern Romania.
In Christ, Veronica