I want to thank each of you for your prayers for the Lord to help us find a location where we can have activities with Roma children during the colder winter months.Â
Once again, I saw how our beautiful God answers prayers and prepared a family for our meeting over a year ago! We visited a Roma family we had visited along with members of a short-term mission team from the USA last year. The father told us that members of the team had prayed for him because he had health problems. Since that time, this man no longer has any health issues and does not need any more medications. This family told us that they want to know more about God; they want God to be in their house and they will allow us to do activities with children during the winter..
At this time, we can only meet outside with the children due to the increased restrictions from the government. Please continue to pray that, until these restrictions are lifted, the weather will allow us to have programs outside with the children.
Our goal for the English Club project is to share the love of Jesus with the children and build relationships with them and their parents. Every week God works wonderfully at the English club, the children come to English with pleasure, learn new things, pray at the beginning, and sing Christian songs as well. This week another new child joined the English club. Please pray that these children learn about Jesus through the English Club.