You all know that, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, I have been involved as much as I could and as God empowered me.
This week I was able to see how God arranges things in a perfect way as only He knows how. Almost 8 years ago, I met a sister from America, who came on mission trip to us, who had adopted a 4-year-old girl from Ukraine. During all this time we kept in touch and when the war started, she contacted me and asked me if I could help her. The little girl they adopted had a sister (Nina), in Zaporozhye and their desire was to bring this woman with her child to America. My job was to take this woman from the border, to bring her to Romania and from here to go to America. Although Nina’s life was in danger, she refused to leave Ukraine. For 7 months, I waited for the phone to tell me that I could go to the border to pick up Nina.
The other day, my brother and I were planning to make a humanitarian convoy, financially supported by a friend of mine in Portland. I had called our contact in Odessa and at the same time I was contacted from America and told that Nina had decided to come.
I am amazed at how beautifully God arranged all things, that Nina decided right now when we were planning this convoy, so that she could be helped to get from Odessa to the border. I am fascinated by God’s involvement in the smallest details of this situations.
2 days before the convoy leaves, brother Chris, husband of our sister from America, arrived in Romania and together we went after Nina at the border and these days, we received the message that they arrived safely in America, that they passed the interview and they were heading home.
The conclusion is that we must trust God, and all the glory is His, the One who gets involved in the smallest details of our lives and the perfect time is the one He decides.
Be blessed!