A bright Christmas for a family from Ukraine
Since the war started and we got involved in serving the Ukrainians, I had the gift of transporting over 300 Ukrainians, hosting over 60 for one or two…
Since the war started and we got involved in serving the Ukrainians, I had the gift of transporting over 300 Ukrainians, hosting over 60 for one or two…
We do not deserve anything but the Lord pours grace after grace upon us and may He help us see this every day. The month of December was a very busy…
We are heading towards the end of 2022 and looking back, throughout the year we see God’s faithfulness and…
You all know that, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, I have been involved as much as I could and as God…
And we are joyful when we see the work of God among the people in Comani. Together with Veronica we gave…
Some people really appreciated it, others contested my involvement in Ukraine and with Ukrainians….
From the beginning, I would like to thank all those who in one way or another have been with us in this ministry….
As the verse in Psalm 92: 1-2 says, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name…
We are always happy to share with you what God continues to do in Comani. I think of the beginning of the ministry…