
Daniel Opris - Updates

Updates from the mission field

The Lord Jesus is the Light of the world!

Together with a brother in Christ, we went out to discuss with people we met on the...

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A home for the homeless

There is a young man who sometimes attends our church services meetings of our church and I...

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A little help for Ukrainian refugees

In March we mobilized a group from the Hope Church together with some visiting youth from...

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Evangelistic and pastoral activities

December here is known as the month of gifts. During this month, together with other...

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Recent Ministry Activities

I served together with other missionaries in a youth camp. Alongside the youth from Hope...

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Baptism in Hope Church Draganesti-Olt

On the date of June 27th, a baptism took place inside Hope Church’s church building....

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Conversation with some people in the park

Together with a missionary brother from HeartCry (Emanuel from Brasov), we started a...

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Evangelistic and ministry activities

This month I visited some of my acquaintances at their homes or in the parks, and I tried...

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Distributing calendars with Bible verses and talking with the people about Jesus

While I was handing out calendars with Bible verses, as well as protective masks against...

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Alcohol addiction and answers to prayers

In an evangelistic action in the town,I met a young man who is addicted to alcohol.I talked...

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Discussions with people in the city

On Thursdays, believers in the Hope Church are invited to take part in evangelism in the...

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