Missionary Projects

Men of peace

It is a project through which we want to bring about the reconciliation of people with God and people with each other. A relationship of peace with others, only born again people can have. This project is inspired by the work of the Christian peacemaker.

Sin is the one that broke the relationship between God and man but also the relationships between people

Target group:

We address all those who have a broken relationship with God and those who have moral or major conflicts with those around them.

The goal:

People in our society to have biblical relationships with God and with others


To evangelize and assist reconciliation



Strategic objectives:
  1. Reconciliation with God
    • Awakening the desire for reconciliation through the distribution of evangelistic materials, New Testaments and home visits
    • Enlightening the mind by explaining the gospel
    • Liberation of the will through prayer and a good testimony
    • Leading to Christ
  1. Reconciling people with their fellows
    • Helping Christians in personal reconciliation. 

Discovering the idols of the heart. Removing the plank from the eye. Overlooking minor things .Forgiveness.  Negotiate.

    • Assisted reconciliation

Mediation. Referees. Disciplining.

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