Mircea Dumitru
Mircea Dumitru
Position: Missionary
Responsibility: Church Planting
Email: dumitrumirecea74@gmail.com
Phone: +40 766 439 152
About Missionary
My name is Dumitru Mircea, I am married to Cornelia and we have two children. Dumitru Damaris Iulia and Dumitru Tobia Iosif.
I saw the light of the day in 1974 in Vatra Dornei, my father was a Catholic Christian and my mother an Orthodox Christian. I returned to God in 1992 when I was 18 years old. My passion is to serve God before men with the resources of God’s kingdom.
In 1994, I began serving God as a missionary in Lunca Ilvei. In 1998-2001 I was the missionary of the Emanuel Baptist Church from Vatra Dornei, in Neagra Čarului. In 2001, for 9 months I was a missionary in Republic of Moldova, Cahul and RoČu localities. From 2002 to 2012 I served as a missionary in Calmatuiu ,Teleorman County, where I was also ordained by the community of the Baptist Churches of Bucharest and from 2012 I began serving in Corabia Olt County.
Cornelia, my wife, grew up in a Baptist Christian family and at the age of 14, in 1989, she returned to God. We got married in 1999Â and have been serving the Lord together ever since.
About Ministry
Church planting in Corabia
City: Corabia is also called the city of lime trees, has about 16441 inhabitants. It is located in the south of Olt County, on the left bank of the Danube.
The city includes the neighborhoods of Valea Seaca, Corabia Veche and Celei and the villages of Silistioara, Tudor Vladimirescu and Vartop.
Vision: To be a community of people who are shaped in the image of God, who carries the hope of reconciliation through Christ from the Ship to the ends of the earth
Mission: It is to fulfill the spiritual needs through evangelization and discipleship which is the modeling of Christians in the image of Christ, and the physical needs through the initiation and development of various missionary projects.
Strategic objectives:
- Mobilize the kingdom of God to provide the resources and team needed for the mission
- Creating bridges to unbelievers through missionary projects
- The evangelization of the people of peace
- Discipleship of Christians in the Personal Relational Context, in the Cell Group, and in Public Worship Meetings
Missionary Projects
You can be involved in the mission work coordinated by Mircea in the following ways:Â
Be part of a short-term mission team
Join or lead a mission team in Corabia and work with us in carrying out missionary projects, evangelizing mature people but also in working with children, and planting the church in the city.
Be a partner in prayer
Become our partner in prayer by praying 5 minutes a day or 5 minutes a week. Join the Facebook group: “Together we can bring hope for peace”
Be a mentor
Become a mentor, you can be an encouragement to me with a video call once a month, a phone call once a month, text message or email.
Be a financial supporter
Support us financially, donating 5$ / monthly for personal needs or for one of the projects carried out in Corabia and the work of church planting.
Be a Ambassador
Become one of my ambassadors, present my work in your community or in the local church, once a month or twice a quarter.
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